Ich bin Janic Bussat und 96 geboren. Seit vielen Jahren gestalte ich mein Umfeld auf verschiedenste Art und Weise. Meine 3 Schwerpunkte liegen bei 3D/Animation, Grafikdesign und Fotografie. Da diese Dinge sehr gut miteinander kombinierbar sind, spiele ich in meinen Designs oft mit crossmedialen Elementen. Zur Zeit bin ich als Freelancer hauptsächlich in der Musik- und Eventbranche im RheinMain Gebiet tätig aber gestalte auch anderweitige und teilweise Internationale Projekte.
Abgesehen von den oberen Tätigkeiten beschäftige ich mich auch gerne mit Fashion und Musik, was mich parallel in meinem Leben oft begleitet.
I am Janic Bussat and I was born in 96. I have been designing my environment in various ways for many years. My 3 main focuses are 3D/animation, graphic design and photography. Since these things can be combined very well, I often play with cross-media elements in my designs. At the moment I work as a freelancer mainly in the music and event industry in the RheinMain area but I also design other and partly international projects.
I am Janic Bussat and I was born in 96. I have been designing my environment in various ways for many years. My 3 main focuses are 3D/animation, graphic design and photography. Since these things can be combined very well, I often play with cross-media elements in my designs. At the moment I work as a freelancer mainly in the music and event industry in the RheinMain area but I also design other and partly international projects.
Apart from the above activities, I also like to deal with fashion and music, which often accompanies me in my life.